Monday, May 4, 2009

Memorial Gate given St. Johns

This story was published by The Ypsilanti Daily Press on Friday, May 3, 1929.

During the past week the Catholic Study Club has erected a beautiful gate at the entrance to St. John’s Cemetery, thus completing a project undertaken last fall.

The cemetery, lovely with spring flowers, and with the Sacred Heart Monument, as a background, appeared more beautiful as the new entrance was placed in its beauty and simplicity, a memorial to those who have passed beyond.

Last November, Mrs. T. S. Wedder proposed the erection of the entrance to the Catholic Study Club as a project for this year and she was made chairman of the committee to carry out the undertaking. Up to the past week she worked, assisted by Mrs. Lawrence Bibbins, Mrs. Hugh Morrison, Mrs. M Sinkule, Mrs. D. B. South and Mrs. Fred Fischer. Mrs. Webber solicited all lot owners, bridge parties and bake sales have been held, and $600 raised for the work.

Three pillars of Bedford stone form the entrance, two large (?) designating the main gate entrance and one smaller pillar the foot gate. Two large white crosses, carved of solid stone, are placed on the large pillars, and a simple inscription, “Erected by the Catholic Study Club, A.D. 1929” appear at the (?).

Joseph Arnet had charge of the work, and the architectural plans were donated by Frederick Arnet, a senior in the U. of M. architectural College.

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