Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Austin Residence Damaged by Fire

This story was published by The Ypsilanti Daily Press on Monday, October 3, 1910.

About 3:30 o’clock Sunday morning Mr. and Mrs. L:. J. Austin, who reside at 21 Adams Street, were awakened by the falling of a heavy timber. Upon investigation they found the entire rear of the house to be in flames. They sent in a call to the fire department, who were on the scene within three minutes.

The wooden addition to the main part of the house, which is of brick, was burned to the ground. This part of the house was used as a kitchen pantry and woodshed with two rooms on the second floor. These rooms together with their furnishings were burned, and the plaster in the dining room of the main part was ruined by water. There was no insurance on the furniture.

The cause of the fire in unknown. There was no fire for hearting purposes or for any other purposes at the time and the family use neither kerosene or gasoline. The supposition is that the building was set afire but as to whom the guilty party was no one seems to know.

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