Monday, January 3, 2011

Man injured by severe beating

This story was published by The Ypsilanti Daily Press on Friday, January 2, 1931.

Charged with assault and battery, Mrs. Carrie Palmer, 36, Monroe Ave, was sentenced to 90 days in the Detroit House of Correction and Roy Mahaley, 50, 412 Monroe Ave, was given the alternative of paying $25 fine or spending 30 days in county jail by Justice A. M. Vandersall in municipal court at noon today.

The pair were arrested this morning by Patrolman Ernest Rowe after they had been released at noon Thursday for beating Charles Johnson, 628 Monroe Ave into unconsciousness at his home shortly after 3 o’clock New Years morning. They used a stick of fire wood one inch in diameter and one foot in length.

Johnson had returned to his home from a watch night service held on Watling Blvd at 1:30 a. m. and approximately one-half hour later Mahaley was admitted to the house.

Mrs. Palmer, Johnson’s housekeeper, who was also up, and Mahaley engaged in drinking; about 3 a. m. the fight occurred. At 7 a. m. when Johnson regained consciousness he found himself lying in a pool of blood and the club nearby was covered with blood. Both Mrs. Palmer and Mahaley had disappeared.

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