Thursday, August 6, 2009

Mother's complaint results in warrants for saloon men

This story was published by The Ypsilanti Daily Press on Thursday, August 5, 1909.

Justice George R. Gunn today issued warrants for the arrest of Frank Bowerman, proprietor of the Hawkins House bar and William Moore, proprietor of a saloon at 309 East Congress Street, (now Michigan Ave.) on the charge of selling intoxicating liquors to a person who is a habitual tippler and drunkard, and for whom notice has been served prohibiting the sale, giving or furnishing of intoxicating liquors.

The complainant is Mrs. Clara Reed of Jarvis street, who signed the complaints in behalf of her son, Embert, 23 years old, who it is alleged, purchased liquor in both resorts on the 27th of July.

Reed was arrested and arraigned before Justice Gunn in a sworn statement he is said to have implicated the two saloonkeepers or their bartenders for whom the warrants have been issued.

One of the features which has developed since the arrest of Reed and the swearing of the complaint, is the alleged reticence of Chief of Police Milo E. Gage and his subordinates to become involved in the matter.

According to a statement made by a republe lawyer today it is the duty of the police to gather such information as may be necessary to issue a complaint and then sign the complaint.

No action however has been taken of Chief Gage, why, is open to conjecture.

Several men, it is declared were in the saloons at the time that the liquor was sold to Reed, and in the statement made to the Municipal justice, the names of these men were revealed.

These men, it is said will be called in the examination which will be held in the local court room, and strenuous efforts will be made to refresh their memory concerning the time, when it is alleged, Reed purchased the liquor.

Another interesting development in the case, will be the prosecution under the personal supervision of County Prosecuting Attorney Carl Storm, who will handle the cases himself and push them to the limit in an effort to secure a conviction.

Every saloonkeeper in the city of Ypsilanti has been served with the notice forbidding the sale of liquor to Reed and the majority of them have complied with all such notices and have evinced their willingness to do so.

The alleged excuse given by the proprietors of the two bars, for whom the warrants have been issued, is that they are new men in business in this city.

Interwoven with the issuing of the warrants and what will be the subsequent arrest and prosecution of the men alleged to have sold liquor to Reed, is the story of drink tragedy that is replete with pathos, hardship and endurance of mother love.

Reed, who is but twenty three years old, several years ago developed a passion for intoxicating drink, which has caused Mrs. Clara Reed, the mother, many sleepless nights, her mind fraught with anxiety for her absent son.

In the past if has been almost a farce to attempt to convict liquor dealers of Ypsilanti for any offense they were alleged to have committed, but with the presence of Prosecutor Storm in the case it promises ill for them for whom the warrants have been issued, if a scintilla of evidence is found that will warrant the men being bound over to tcircuit court.

Although the majority of the saloon men are obeying the law in this respect, alleged offenders will be harshly prosecuted, as Mr. Storm is hoping to make an example for others to take heed of.

Frank Bowerman, of the Hawkins House bar is the nephew of Mr. Joseph Burchill, the proprietor of the hotel, and it is said that Mr. Burchill is conceded to be the owner and main stay of the baddet

These cases will undoubtly bring forth a determined effort from the saloon interests in an effort to prevent prosecution and conviction, and it is acknowledged on all hands that Prosecutor Storm will have a hard fight in the prosecution of these cases.

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